Once you have placed your order you will receive a confirmation email confirming that we have received your order. This does not mean that your order has been accepted and is on its way. Due to the nature of our production process (that nurtures artisanship and cultural heritage) before accepting your order we have to confirm with our workshops in Nepal that your order can be fulfilled. Don't panic though! We simply have to have a chat and get the order underway, only under very rare circumstances do we cancel orders, however delays may occur due to public holidays or festivals.
Once accepted by our workshops, we will then send you an order acceptance email outlining the details of your order with confirmed shipping times. Once you have received your acceptance email please keep it somewhere safe incase we need to contact you in reference to your order throughout any stage of the production process.
For a more detailed response to this question you can find out more in our Terms. If you have any further queries regarding your order or ordering from us, please don't hesitate to contact us.